Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Troll 2 (1990) The Best Bad Movie Ever Made.

Ah, yes... Troll 2.

An unsuspecting family goes on vacation to the town of Nilbog, only to find that the inhabitants are actually vegetarian goblins who want to turn the group into plants so they can feast on them.

You know it doesn't get much better, or worse than this. There are many reasons why people think this is the worst movie ever made. You could reference the bad acting, the bad writing, or even the bad costumes to back up this claim. However there are those, including some of the actors actually in the movie, who think Troll 2 is the best bad movie ever made. You can count me among them. And here are my top 10 reasons you should immediately go watch this movie. Again and again.

10. The tag line in the box was "One Was Not Enough," when in fact Troll 2 isn't the sequel of anything. It chose the name Troll 2 to try and piggy-back on the "success" of Troll. Wow.

 9. I'm supremely jealous of the freckled gent's GI Joe T-shirt when he's talking to Grandpa Seth. Yes, that's reason #9. Count yourself lucky I didn't include how I covet his skateboard...

8. There's a documentary made about this movie celebrating it's awesome awfulness. The actor who played Joshua wrote and directed it. Amazing. Wait for my review of that. Coming soon...

7. The acting is everything you expect and less. Many of these actors were in Trolls 2 and that's about it. They obviously got a bad taste for the movie industry.

6. The Bug-Eyed Goblin & The Plant Boy. These are the small pieces that make up the puzzle. Nice.

5. Bologna plays a pivotal role in the movie at one point.  Baloney, on the other hand, plays a large part throughout.

4. There's a popcorn "sex" scene. Yum!

3. Holly's dance sequence in the mirror. I can't get enough of it. At times you can see her laughing and that makes it all the better. And who ever owned an Aries Garfield shirt? C'mon!

2. Creedence Leonore Gielgud. Period. This woman single-handedly makes this movie more enjoyable to watch with her amazing facial expressions, compulsive over-acting and un-definable accent.

1. Here it is, and it's no secret! Troll 2 contains NO TROLLS in the whole movie! The stars of the movie are Goblins, and not the band.

All of these add up to one amazingly bad movie, and I suggest you go and watch it right now.

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