Sunday, February 6, 2011

Cowboys And Aliens (2011)

So there's going to be a film version of the comic book Cowboys And Aliens, huh? Ok, I guess John Favreau is on a comic book kick right now. Ahhh, I miss Zathura.  It's funny because my friend John was just telling me his whole Iron Man conspiracy. Tat's for another time. I was happy to see Olivia Wilde from House, M.D. in it though, I always thought she was pretty cute. Oh, and Harrison Ford is fresh off the last Indiana Jones movie, so Cowboys and Aliens isn't a far stretch, right? As far fetched as this movie looks from the trailer, it still think it looks like an entertaining movie that will be fun to see. Although, I've been excited about movies that ended up not being so good before... (cough*The Other Guys*ahem).


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