Things have been slow on the meuvie front for this ol' Gore Whore, I blame finally getting cable in the Haunted Mansion I moved into a few months ago.
But I digress.
Today after work I was in the mood to blow money and what better way to do so then to buy meuvies!
First I hit up The Devil Store (a.k.a Walmart), but alas they had nothing I wanted.
Next I went to Movie Stop and spent 90 buckaroos on the following meuvies in Blu-Ray format...
One would think after blowing a wad on 3 films that maybe you should stop there---hell no! I still had to hit up Best Buy, where I ended up purchasing 2 more Blu-Rays...
I am a bit skeptical on Let Me In, the American remake of the wonderful Let the Right One In but for the low, low price of only 13.99 it seemed silly to pass it up; especially when it did garner pretty decent reviews.
The meuvie I am truly most excited about cracking open is the 30th Anniversary Edition of the Bill Lustig slasher classic Maniac. Not only did one of my most favorite companies release it (Blue Underground), but it is jammed packed with hours upon hours of special features.
The meuvie I am truly most excited about cracking open is the 30th Anniversary Edition of the Bill Lustig slasher classic Maniac. Not only did one of my most favorite companies release it (Blue Underground), but it is jammed packed with hours upon hours of special features.
As for the Haneke film White Ribbon, well... it's Haneke! One of the greatest and most intriguing living directors working today, Michael Haneke has given us classic and startling films such as Funny Games, The Piano Teacher, and my personal favorite Benny's Video. If you aren't already obsessed with his work, you must get on that post haste!
It looks like it is past my bedtime, so I shall bid you are adieu and shall be back after a quick cat nap on my bed of nails.
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